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Ward Family Foundation - FAQs


What type of foundation is the Ward Family Foundation?
We are a private operating foundation. Our foundation is not a grant-making organization. We are significantly involved in a direct and consultative manner with the charitable organizations we serve.

Does Ward Family Foundation work exclusively with homeless programs?
To date, our work has focused on homeless programs. However, our plan for the long term is to work with other deserving charitable causes. We plan to also work with crisis pregnancy centers, hospices, food banks, soup kitchens and other causes in the future.

How does Ward Family Foundation determine which families and programs to support?
We look for dedicated programs that willingly track their progress and continuously look for ways to improve their effectiveness.

What role does Catholic social teaching play in the foundation’s day to day operation?
Catholic social teaching provides our operating framework. While we work with programs from other denominations, we will only work with organizations that recognize the fundamental right of each human person to life, food, shelter, clothing and medical care.

Does the foundation only support existing programs?
To date, our work has focused solely on existing charities. However, we may establish new programs in the future to serve those causes not adequately served by existing programs. For example, if, as a result of our homeless shelter best practices work, we identify a gap in the existing infrastructure of programs, the foundation might establish a new homeless shelter in a specific geographic area. In doing this, the shelter would be established and operated utilizing best practices identified from working with existing homeless shelters.